
touch down

July 18, 2009

I AM BLACK! i mean BACK!
haha. =)
yes, ive been to krabi and back in 11 days!

pictures on facebook and will upload some.
updates a little later since nows not the mood. :p
some exciting things to be elaborated on later.

- plane rides
- cheerleading stunts/ the great seasickness
- climbs
- plane delays
- braided hair
- tom yam soup /cats

opened up facebook to discover many tagged photos of me and decided to share some!
the notifications were spilling...
and the photos were overwhelming.
and sports camp part 2 is on 27 july.

i like this photo taken during rockmaster. =)
it was by those fountains and we were standing under one. haha.
(and i miss daffy!)

during my first open women isolation...
and i wanted to point out reg's pri sch hair style and her showing off her new purple prana chalkbag. ;) (y) nice!

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