

May 19, 2010

more photos!
looking at it makes me want to lead more and more!
damn shiok. (reg, ur missing out!)
credits to the photographers. really cool!

anyaways, just got back from summit in msia.
bought some krispy kreme back!
pity no A&W at our R&R place... till KL! =)
everyones asking how was summit!
it was really ok. very normal camp stuff.. no cheering much.
maybe my initial reluctantness din set the stage for enthusiasm.

my most exciting event was when i climbed an overhanging tree branch and somersaulted off it into the river.
yeps. i could do it over and over again.
did trekking and caving and whitewaterrafting.
but im thinking ive got some real high sensation seeking due to climbing,
coz i din feel much kick from it. :p lead falling better (y)
wwr was kinda normal. haha. like whoosh whoosh down the river.. you know.
going down the river during trekking, stepping on slimy rocks was the next best thing coz its waterrrr.
and i guess i made some friends, you know, trying not to be schizoid and all. haha

ok, thats abt summit.
back to climbing. woohoo!
cant wait to deepwater solo.

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