
injury count

February 02, 2011

day 21 of thumb sprain:
more of less gotten back the full range of motion.
although i think it feels stiff still.
doubt im able to grab big pinches for now, been open-handing routes so far. :p
guess ive gotta give it more time eh..

day 3 of ankle sprain:
the swells down, much thanks to those who helped me get ice.
i believe icing immediately really prevents the swell from ballooning into a tennis ball.
freaky much. :p
so ive been icing many times at home with my leg on the table top elevated. haha.
i can place weight on the ankle now. pain is not so intense.
been trying to roll the ankle around, flexing it, massaging the muscles around it.
feels better really.
got crutches from uhc for now, and the doc gave me a webpage on the exercises to do after a sprain.
(in which ive gone through them before in tj already. :p experienced. )

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