

June 27, 2011

im back with happy news!
once again, managed to get a podium finish in this last boulder comp that completes the league.
woohoo! :)
grinning like this again: :D

it was awesome possum! hahaha.
qualifiers on saturday din start of solid.
taken aback by the sudden incline on wall 2, in which the hardest route was on, and i din finish!! argh.
so i had to be serious and managed to flash the remaining routes. yep.
but all was good as i managed to qualify 3rd for finals.
but with this, i knew theres gonna be more pressure on myself than other comps coz i had to wait long for my turn on the wall.

finals was 4 routes for once.
luckily for the current format, we got to rest.. if not im sure my power endurance sure deplete damn fast. :p hahaha.
hearing people start cheering upon doris onwards for the topping of routes, i knew it was a flash, and yep, send train coming.
told myself that the route is flashable. and so i flash.
up until the last route... muahahaha.
until my turn, ive heard screams from dor and suz, yet no cheers for a finish.
happy me stepped up to this challenge and knew i was gonna be the one to send it! muahaha. (ego. lol)
i love these kinda challenges. eager beaver.

i must admit that having flash the first 3 routes along with 5 other girls, this last route would be THE ONE.
(how come the guys one all so fun? :p)

so i took 3 tries to finish the last route.. inexperienced me took 3.
when imaginary experienced jud would have flashed it.
distractions of the decoy tile. argh.
but still, it was a happy finish. cos i knew it secured me a podium.
and nus is champion! la la la.

today my pastor was telling us about how acheivements are nothing, but its the discoveries in our lives that count.
so today, i discovered that doris gets high on redbull,
i prefer to close my eyes to focus and can get really serious during comps.
but seriously, i discovered that i can actually climb quite well. wow. Amen to that! haha.
and that by trusting God whole heartedly, he answers my many prayers of calmness and strength.

im telling myself that this is probably the last comp i might join.
other than boulderactive next year (if it happens..). haha.
we'll see.

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