

June 21, 2012

some status report update on my recent competition so far:
Pumpfest 2012 @ Changi City Point.

truthfully, the only thing that rings most profoundly in my head,
is that my dearest captain fractured her left leg and left arm.
hhmm.. the almost panic and the constant thinking of whether i've done all that i've could.

anyways, this is the first comp that i placed 1st in the qualifiers.
i know its nervewrecking.. i wonder how the world cup champs do it.
also, i know that being the first qualifier somehow lowers much possibility of podium or even maintaining my position, given the format and styles of competition nowadays.
so im somehow satisfied and almost relieved that i still held my podium. :)
and 2nd at that! haha.

the 3 "podium" dinos of nus! haha.(jensen stands in for dordor)

 being in the finals, i do get pretty decent shots while im climbing. hahaha. :)

anyways, the routes felt different this time.
and theres this once where i felt like i really fought through the route and made sure i get tile after tile in order to flash it.
you dont know how badly i ached immediately after and how my joints hurt so bad. and i had one more route to go. haha.
in all, its really an experience.

i've gotten pass the stage of wanting to get into OW finals,
i've gotten pass the stage of wanting to get podium,
now i've reach a new level, i wanna be confident and climb well especially when im placed top 4 i qualifiers.
i dont want to feel nervous or panicky, or let uncertainty grip me while i sit there on the chair, facing the audience.
i want to smile, be relaxed, look good ;) and sent those routes like a boss.
that confidence, that mental strength, im gonna build.


and i just gotten back from qingdao bouldering.
i do feel stronger, and its essential to feel strong before a comp.
helps set the mindset at the optimal level. haha.
was just abit worried about rock-plastic conversion.
and thankfully i have henghong to help me set routes and go to the gyms with me with the intention to "train" and prepare for the competition when we get back. haha.

this trip wasnt so bad. haha. send v4-6s.
i do miss bouldering in the wild like that.haha.
especially the highballs. and i've see to overcome my hesitation to tryout roof routes.
turns out its not as powerful as i deemed it to be. there are technical and other methods to get around it. ;)

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