

August 20, 2012

before i forget!

a reminder to myself:

there is a fine line between sacrifice and priority.. i grew up learning that i had to sacrifice certain things in order to make things happen. where im coming from, is trainings, and games and competitions and sports. no holidays, no going out with friends, no birhday dinners just because i had training. and not going for training meant losing out (yes, i hate losing), being cut from the team, being known to have low commitment, etc. so i sacrificed. and the rewards came.

and then it spilled over to jumbling my priorities. everything was climbing and training, and climbing was everything. all these time, i have learned to not take other things in my life seriously,or "sarificially" laid them down under others. its caused much troubles and quarrels and unhappiness. so awhile back, i thought, "im 23, people expct me to set my priorities right". and so i had to.

for the first time, im not going for netball trainings, JUST BECAUSE i have a family dinner. a dinner for me! and my whole family is gonna sit down together and eat! this happens approx. 3-5 times a year, FYI. but i know that missing training means that i may not get to show jiao lian my skills and talents, he wont get to watch me play but watch the other girls.. it could get harder to make it top 12 out of 26. and sunig is around the corner. but hey, family > training. thats one priority i have to make clear to myself. i can self-talk myself to say im not that fast anymore and i probably wont make it to the team, so why commit? but no, i AM placing this dinner more importantly over training because it takes much effort for everyone to come together nowadays. so there!

sacrifice versus priority. knowing when to sarifice, and knowing when to put things first in my life.

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