Finale of boulder season 2013
October 01, 2013The boulder season this year has been rather lengthy, compared to the previous years since I started climbing and training for competitions (5 years).
Rockmaster 2013, organised by SPRC, was the last of the last bouldering competition here in Singapore. So I though this event was definitely worth writing down.
The previous weeks were marked with NTU's Bouldermania and SIM Vertigo. I took part in my first Open Men qualifiers during Bouldermania and only managed 1 bonus from the flat walls haha. But the overall experience was quite thrilling, although routes were remarkable hard! But I am looking towards testing and challenging myself more next time!
Hitting the only bonus for my OM qfy in Bouldermania |
Heres a little list of my mistakes and weaknesses:
1) Warm up
Sometimes we take things for granted. We think we are still young. We are not. HAHA.
2) Focus
I got a little carried away doing my maths homework during isolation. Usually I switch on my zen mode and mentally psych myself up. But this little mental workout got me feeling a little tired and not in the mood for some serious climbing.
3) Beta
It has come to a point in which I have a whole cupboard full of possible betas that might suit a possible route. I forget to see and think about a route based on how the routesetter actually intends the route to be and to climb it that way. This is something important that competitive climbers have to think about.
4) Flashes
I lost my mindset towards needing to flash a route. Because of the format of our competition, flashing is an important aspect of the competition. It should not be a "go and try" thing, but a "go and finish it in one go like a boss" thing. This, I believe, also takes abit of practice, and we cannot just walk from the gym into a competition scene just like that without working and putting your mind to it.
5) Physical
I need to work on more power, more locking, more on-the-go-locks, more dynamic movement, more confidence in latching on. Basically, as I look at how some climbers in the world cup climb, I see something that I want to include in my climbs: that sureness, the confidence, the smooth flow when they climb. No hesitations. I get that alot, and it throws your momentum off, it makes your muscles jitter and not react in a way you want them to, it makes you pumped and you overgrip. Most of all, it makes you fall.
Indeed it was really humbling for me during SIM Vertigo, having been hitting podiums for most of the local competitions so far, and yet finding myself stuck in an area I had moved off from a long time ago. I did some reflective thinking in between and started looking at others and the way they climb. I find out what is it that they have and use to get to were they are, and I'm learning to use those too. I had forgotten what it was like to keep fighting for that coveted spot in the finals. Yes, I took things for granted. :'S Disappointed, I was.
Uncomfortable moves in this SIM qfy moves which threw me off. |
The hype for Rockmaster 2013 was amazing, and thats the way it was supposed to be. Format was different from our bonus-top system, and attempts almost did not matter as much as progressing to the top. Qualifiers was fantastically fun and it was different in that I was actually working hard to get some ascents. Took quite a few attempts in some routes, but eventually still managed to work my way to the top of the qualifiers. Well, its not the first time that im ranked 1st on the board and last to climb, but somehow I am less daunted by the fact that I will be climbing last of the women in the finals. (Level up!) I wished I had some videos, especially of the last route in which we had to "land" on a big volume tile in order to end. Took a few funny tries to get that one!
Nice wooden panels for RM13 and lighting too! |
OW qfy results |
Finals was a big show. It was the grand finale. Lightshow can win TNFC Japan. It was like rockclubbing. And it certainly was a privilege to be in such a finals. I missed the one last year, so glad I made it this year! The finalists were introduced from the top of the walls and the crowd and lights were really sensational. ;)
The final route was a little bit more dicey, I wasnt thinking about podiums just yet, but I had to finish this route, just because I know I can. Sheer determination right there mister! Attempts keep haunting me on this, mostly careless slips, hesitations and balance. Throwing for the final hold was like a sigh of relief! Really happy I got it! And then I knew I probably was on podium by then.
Results were kinda of unexpected, I thought Beatrix surely had the upperhand in the number of points she gained from route 1. But we were tied, even in attempts! And it was a countback to me! But I would gladly have taken her 2nd place, 100% respect to the effort she put in to get back to where she is now! What an inspiration! So much things to learn from her! So much more I can improve on!
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Finals results. Congrats to all winners! |
So my boulder season for 2013 ended with a YAY! Threes a charm indeed and it was not a hat trick, but 3 gold medals in the big local comps were more than I could ask for. Never thought I could achieve this, All Glory to God! And if it werent for Hazlee constantly psyching me up, pushing me on, telling me to "DO THIS SHIT!", I wouldnt have smartened up my thinking, get my head back into the game and rock this competition. And I'm proud of him no matter the results, and for constantly striving to climb hard and get back into the game, no matter how hard it gets no matter what injuries hit.
Its finally time for a break. I'm dying to touch some natural rocks and krabi would be my next stop. I'm hoping that the stars align and Japan 2014 is a go. Talking about trips always get me psyched up, especially seeing my friends out there in the wild. But reality is as it is, once I graduate from NIE, work starts, coaching starts, and I may not be able to give what I can give this year. Trying hard to make things happen, but it is not as easy as just getting a ticket and go. But we'll see in time to come!