

January 01, 2011

uh oh. this is gonna be long. haha.
once again, every year end/year start, i'll write a long post about things and reflect about things that happened in the year. haha.
so i guess this year is no different.
and maybe let me limit it to 11 points for 2011! haha.

1) CAP went down after the great escape out of the 3.0 mark. just down by 0.1.. but it can never resurface now. haha. so ive settled for average. and its gonna be my last sem this semester. aww.. i dont wanna leave schooooool. :p but i guess if not for the okr ppl always chionging the study rm, i doubt my CAP would be at 3.38 now. haha.

2) vice-captaincy of nus climbing team. another shot at leadership. this time no overbearing coach and perhaps less stress really. but more things to do, to consider. im glad to have this EXCO with me. =) planning training was something new for me. but being passionate about the sport makes a difference in planning. haha. well, i guess ive grown in this aspect of leadership. having a sense of responsibility really changes how you think in a team. everyone shd be a captain one day to know how it feels. no easy man, not easy at all.

3) heh. another PB bite the dust! see here. once again. its nike run. haha. BUT, i know the distance is definitely not at 10km.. but 49.43mins is sweet music to my ears. =) dont know when my next run is. haha. i feel like im retiring already. haha. cant do as well as i can back in the "old days" of 3 years ago. hahaha. maybe until the next ahm? some cheaper race. the races these days are expensive! maybe i shd train hard and win smth to cover my costs man. sheesh.

4) another year of climbing. last year was all about promotion and climbing the ladder to opens. but this year, im trying to really reach up and push myself. getting into open finals is a start. (Y) proud to say that somehow ive managed to climb my way through. compared to my last years performance and this, i guess ive improved. =) haha. and im hoping for more. my krabi climbing grades have gone up to the 7s.. and yea.. im trying harder stuff AND enjoying it. haha. i guess theres this whole new focus and concentration on the moves that i din really bother about in novice or intermediate. getting into opens prematurely really catches you off guard. unprepared and all... but one captain once told me that this might work for the better coz i get to train more in the open and not be lost in the deep blue sea. and yea.. thinking back, im glad ive had this much time to train as a open climber compared to IW or NW. yay. haha.

i hope this coming season will be good. much as i dont physically set the standards for myself, but mentally, my expectations are up there. :p no stress jud. allez!

5) sent my first few 7as. haha. must have one point of this to remember. ;)

6) graduating from netball. this is it, my last IVP. my last few games that i might ever play in netball. phew. its been a long 8 years. i doubt i would continue although ms chng has asked me to join clubs, etc. but you see, netball is a team sport. you need physically 6 other players to play on court with you. whereas climbing, well. its different. you CAN climb together. but you can climb alone too. haha. well.. gonna hang up my adidas barracades and smelly ankle guards (im not even wearing them now!) im gonna miss netball thats for sure. all the running and jumping. aww.. but its time to let go. haha. gone are the days of daydreaming about NSL and U21 and national teams. ive passed that stage. haha. good bye to playing for school teams, something which i once put my heart and soul into getting into.

7) my braces are off! haha. and erm.. im not wearing my retainers anymore. heh. ive got a spastic smile now. haha.

8) perhaps i shd try a new years resolution to not skip any lectures this last sem in school? haha. but a good girl. hmm.. hard.. but we'll see along the way. haha.

9) first job, *gasp! at selling shoes at schu. haha. its an experience. haha. something outside school and sports. haha. met nice colleagues, understand how the customer works, etc. and spending time with endless numbers of shoes. scaling the storeroom of 5m of stacked shoes to dig out size 39. haha. those were quite happy times. haha.

10) roomies with ely and st. haha. sometimes being in sch and coming back to the room with someone inside, plus food sometimes really makes the day feel better. haha. someone to rant to, complain abt school work, wash clothes with, ignore lizard shit and catch insects. yep. haha. all in the life of a roomie.

11) finally the last point! i cant think of what to say now... :p but erm. i haven bought my 2011 planner. haha. i need to organise my life asap!! its the 1st of jan and my schedule is packed already. :p

merry christmas and a happy new year!
(time for a new haircut)

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