

January 12, 2011

recently the teams been in some twisted mess. :p really tough shit to deal with, like uncoiling new rope that hasnt been coiled properly. its such a long story and im lazy to type it down here. but there are several points that i want to write down so when i look back, i can see whats happened.

firstly, when i graduate, i want to be called judith, and not a dino. i dun mind being called auntie jud like auntie jess and uncle pan. but being a dino doesnt seem so awesome right now. :p

somehow i like knowing that the gym belongs to the team because we are teamnus afterall. its not about building the gym or contributing the tiles (which i am grateful for) but moving on. its like saying the graduate dragon-boaters come back and demand to use their fishbowl just because they are alumni and won many LKY cups or smth. surely a school team deserves some priority to use the school gym? that said, rantings done, schedules out. but somehow, its hard to please everyone. :(

with the new schedule in place.. i think the guys are having a hard time agreeing with it. i wish that the dinos would agree with their fridays. this new schedule makes planning trng all the more harder. considering timings and even whether the team will turn up full attendance. the exco yearns for strict attendance, but we know not everyone can comply. (given that implementing social control can result in social deviance)

i guess its hard to please both ends. first dinos not happy. now we not happy. even already lor. settle. thought this was gonna be the year when nus ruled the boulder comps.

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