

April 03, 2011

today, i did a different kind of activity.
involving "rock", but a different kinda rock.
the kind of rock u experience, not touch, while standing on a surf board.
pretty addictive stuff, leaving ur whole body rocking for the whole day.
tmr when i wake up, my back muscles are also gonna be rock.

went for the windsurfing course at Waterventure today with daryl(tan) and kenneth(lim).
im probationally certified(?) now! haha.
not exactly level 1 like climbing, we would have to take a further assessment a few weeks down the road if we wanna be certified. yea.
maybe climbing should do that, then no more bad belays. tsktsk.)
but i can like rent equiment now and surf wind! haha.

in the beginning it was like windless.
pretty pathetic and when we stopped for lunch, the wind picked up and the pros starting coming out. haha.
so the second time we went out to sea again, it was much better!
took awhile for me to get used to the strong wind again..
it made the sail super heavy! Urgh.
no amount of jensen's training and pt could have prepared me from being pulled down by the wind. :p haha.
but it was a great success.. and i can like sail back and forth now,
catching the wind and tweaking my position now and then.
although turning is abit wobbly.. haha.

all the uphauling is really breaking my back.
and the leaning back to hoist it up and bending my legs made me knees hurt a little. haha.
but no rope burn! (from uphauling) and no bad mast-on-head falls!
but alot of sea-water-up-my-nose falls. :p
so after a few runs up and down, it was time to stop. haha.

went to siglap to meet shu(neng) and have some ytf for dinner!
then its back home to do some work and zzzzz....

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