
bay side birthday

June 16, 2009

planned an awesome birthday surprise for shu yesterday!
super fun lah.
ely was in on our secret plan but she had to go for part 2 scolding. :p
anyways, met reg early at vivo to get some stuff.
then we walked over to marina @ keppel bay to prepare our picnic!! =)
super love that place man.

then went with keok to fetch shu along the way and we blind folded her!!
and made her walk into the sprinklers.
i have the video!
hilarious really. =)
and so we settled down for our nice little picnic and had many photos taken.

after that went back to school to climb. =)

we ate shu's "cake"! haha.

i like this photo!

this was on our way out of the park.
nice bridge!

i like this candid photo. haha. all the pretty girls.
yes you keok, are one of them. ;)

taken with my name!! haha.

coolshites. daiso magnet alphabets are the best.

the picnic food! yummy.

we arranged this for shu!

the 5 girls!

shu and her sexy "cake", the big 20!

at TCC the night before!

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