
rocket high!

June 18, 2009

yesterday was an exciting day!
went to west coast first to get shus new jansport bag!!
very cool and polka dotty! =)
then went to school to climb for 2 hours.
then its off to orchard central to borderX! =)
pity ely couldnt join us.
we ate pontian wanton noodles for dinner!

and so the 4 of us, d, shu, edwin and i via ferrata-ed. =)
super cools man.
was abit scared to abseil down though.
did i mention i wore crocs to climb.
magnified fear. :p

feet were sweaty and crocs on the verge of falling off!!!
i must be nuts to convince myself i could climb with those.
tsktsk. nonsense.
but i totally loved it!
but can get quite pumped lah.
once me and shu shake out at the same time.
:p waha.

thanks to lydia and the ppl there!!

daryl's new crab earrings

shu's famous face!

shu and i!

the 3 of us from the top...

haha. candid!

group shot!

check out crocs!

then went to school today for physio.
after 4 weeks. :p
got a massage and ultra sound.
stretching sucks.
hopefully this big muscle of mine will get well soon!
then went to swim with mr-i-only-want-to-soak-in-the-pool-lah.
then managed 2 endurance routes and gave up. :p

imagine the girls in shu's hse baking cookies...
then met some sportsxcel peeps at cityhall.
includes uncle loh.
raello was missed by me!

us at MOF, suntec! so impromtu that national-day-boy was still in air force uni.

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