take me where i've never been
June 07, 2009ok. some updates over the weekend! =)
met the renegades for lunch/tea?
we ate at seoul garden in the end.
kinda ate alot..
like 2 plates of pasta and a dozen eggs.
but it was nice mtg them again! =))
went to bert's hse for the farewell dinner for the team.
had some spread buffet catered but din eat much coz of lunch. :p
anyways, we played wii and ppl got wasted.
stayed over coz too late to go back. :p
relived old songs while hh played the guitar.
then woke up next morning for breakfast at parkway.
saw mr san and baby wei en! =)
then went back home. :p
climbed at CA that same day. haha.
abit wonky and tired.
but still managed and i miss it truly! =)
thinking if i shd get the 5.10 purple shoe.
bus-ed home and was really shagged already...
THEN realised that alvin's birthday party thing was yesterday and not in july.
so i drove down to ecp.
got pissed trying to find a parking space.
dun really want to say much. >:(
met the trackers there!
but kinda went off abit earlier.
met arvin zx and ed at ice cream chef for some vanilla and kinder bueno.
by then, really quite seh.
but still managed to drive.
then headed down to changi v. for round 2.
i see i have weird eating timings nowaways. :p
some photos:
found this lightbulb in bert's room.
i can totally imagine man.
his collection of vodka bottles.
some still filled! haha.
the non-durian eaters. haha.
the girls at lunch
shingjuan and me!