
26 &25

December 07, 2011

im sitting here nursing sprained ankle, again.
just one more day to HK and its just a feeling of disappointment here.
sadness aside, ive got to accept this right.
maybe climbing trips and i arent meant to be this holiday. :p
oh well..

anyways, back to my posts on the things that made my 2011.. haha.

#6: The North Face Boulderactive 2011 @ Marina Square
The event of the year. enuff said. haha.
this comp, i was starting to feel i had it close to podium finishes.
from numerous mistakes, i cut down to a few.
i remember sitting one aside anxiously counting the attempts, tops and bonuses of the other clibmbers to measure up my chance in getting the finals. haha
but it was a good event by fel and jack. :)

#7: discovering mango grass jelly drink at ABC market.
WIN. hands down.
$2 worth ofsunshine goodness. haha.

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