

December 01, 2011

its the first of december!
thought i'd do something different and list 31 things that made my 2011 before 2011 is over. haha.
maybe i'll try to do it as chronological as i can too. so that it flows nice and easy.
plus add some pictures to make it colourful :)

now then, the start of the year always heralds a boulder season,
so what better way to start to then start with:

#1 gravical OW finals
it made my year because: i had really nice photos of it! lol.
it was the beginning of my hopefully permanent "entrance" into open woman finals. haha.
it used to be a dream to be in the finals.
and when im hitting this target every comp, i know im there!
ok, competitive streak aside..haha. tsk. endless leh!

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