

December 02, 2011

#2 last IVP season, perhaps the last school netball game i'll play.

this year, IVP didnt seem as awesome as the first time i played.
maybe coz half my mind was in climbing and managing the climbing team.
but still... i enjoyed the trngs and the little team talks and gossips. haha.
and am forever grateful to ms chng who always kept me in mind and put me down to play as the main team.
she gave me the confidence in knowing that i still have what it takes to play competitive.
we got 4th in the end.. :p disappointing lost. so maybe i wouldnt say that this season made my 2011..
(i was disappointed when no one came by RP to watch me play despite the "jio" on blogs and facebook. awww.. it was something that i was proud to be part of and sort of wanted people to recognise my efforts. but.. oh well. haha. its over!)
but its definitely something i'll remember and miss dearly in time to come.

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