

December 05, 2011

#5: travelling to school instead of staying in hall.

so this being my last sem and due to financial constraints, i left dearest ost alone and moved out of OKR. aww... i'll always miss the convenience ofgoing back to room after trng, or snuggling into my purple covers when it pours crazily in nus. or the random food throwing session into the birthday dude's room. or the late night movie shows we watch on bigscreen in the guys rooms. even the little hthts we have in the room. haha. staying in a double room is the next best thing that happens in nus other than joining climbing. hahha.

anyways, there are times when i totally loathe standing in crowded spaces. so tired, no seat, just dying right there. plus holding on to those white hand holds in the train somehow kills my fingers. maybe i overgrip. lol. plus the need to wake up earlier. urgh.
but somehow, all these small things kinda fade away... i like the times when im just plugged in, stoning or reading my book and keeping to myself. this small part of silence on the train, being in my own world - i like. more time to reflect, talk to God and just be alone. :)

going to school from the east to west is not always as bad as it seems.

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