
Level Up Boulder Series 2013 - The Last Movement

December 31, 2013

The last round for LBS 2013 took place at Onsight Climbing Gym on the 28th December evening. The idea was to prepare and get everyone psyched for the boulder season in 2014, with Gravical from 10-12 Jan 2014. While planning for this event, I realized that this format is also being used in Europe for their national comps! 

Sign ups were slightly more compared to the previous two. We limited the numbers to 30 and had a total of about 35 climbers this time. Also tweaked the format to try out something new. Climbers were given 1.5 hours, with routes covering the Advance and Intermediate walls. 8 routes in total with two bonuses per route. Thanks to our route setters, we had 12 routes in total with 4 routes catering to the men and women separately, and 4 routes for both category. We added in and capped attempts at 5 per route. This was to force the climbers to think about and consider how these attempts would affect their scores and physical endurance (to instill ifsc competition mentality).

Scorecard for the competitors, they have to strike out an attempt box depending on whether they reach B1, B2, or top!
The turnout was really awesome, with the walls packed already at 5pm with climbers warming up; and you can just see the psych overflowing off the gym mats. We closed the walls to tape up the routes at 6pm, then briefed them before started off the session at around 7.30pm. It was great seeing a different group of climbers this time. The AYC team had just finished their training and were hanging around, some even joining and registering to take part in this LBS. This young ones are the ones who's gonna carry on the standards of Singapore climbing, and I was feel that it's good to start early! (Look at ashima!) It was also heartening to see audiences who stayed after their climbs to watch the whole session which lasted till about 9.15pm! This was a first and I feel that this idea has really taken flight and caught the hearts of the climbing community in Singapore. 

The really packed Advance walls on 28th Dec evening
I didn't had product sponsors this time, so with the help of Hazlee, we did up a silkscreen frame and printed shirts with the LBS logo for the winners. It was quite fun getting to do something a little artsy this time around. And we had a kind cash sponsor who helped chip in towards the prizes as well. :) 
Bought paint in Gold, Silver, etc for the winners. Check out the sick cool logo!~ Credits to Hazlee for the design!

Silkscreen frames
Like every LBS that have rolled in this year, each one is different and there's always a chance to learn something new. As the organizer, I had time to walk around, observe, give some tips as a climber, and watch how different people work on routes differently. I see climbers pushing hard, cheering each other on, figuring out different beta and doing problem solving. I think working on a problem, knowing that it's so do-able, and figuring out what works best for you, is how we all can get stronger. So while climbers themselves observe and learn something new in terms of competition strategy, or physical technique and tips, I learn a little more about myself as well. I released the reins and gave control over some decision making this time, such as route setting, to those who wanted to contribute. Since this was something for the community, by the community, I don't see why I shdnt let others do their part too. I start to really see it in their eyes when they help me out, be it for route setting, putting up tapes, helping with some admin, or opening up their space beyond closing time. This is the reason why I wanted to start this boulder series. Thank you for constantly reminding me about this cause. :) 

Congrats to all the winners! 

Mens results
Women's results

Would really like to give a shoutout out to the people who helped. Really appreciate it! To Ben and Suz from Onsight, Hazlee, Bryan, Aaron, Mike for the great routes. To Yiheng for the cash sponsor. And to the OS crew who stayed past their work hours to allow us the time to do this event. :) Proud to say that another good climbing session went down that weekend! Hopefully more to come! Had some great ideas on how to take this competition to the next level, will bear all those in mind!

Till then, level up! 

Heres the link to more photosfrom Charmaine on FB:

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