
Words of wisdom: Consistency in Training by Paul Soo

December 10, 2013

Chanced upon this note written by Paul Soo again.

1.       Consistency is a very important word. I think it is one of the vital ingredients to be a better climber. I must be consistent in my training plan, in order to improve progressively on my climbing techniques. To be consistent, I need strong determination, drive and discipline (3D) to carry out and complete all my training programs.
2.       Some people have asked me – where to get the 3D to train consistently? The answer is -- I do not know. For me, I have to work real hard and put in long hours in my profession. To be a Barrister-at-Law, it entails so much stress and time of preparing and fighting the cases in Court. I have to be driven to set aside time intentionally for my climbing training every week. When it’s time for training, I will train no matter how stress or mentally exhausted I am from work. I feel this is the only way, if I want to improve progressively over the years. 

Paul is lawyer who climbs every weekend. Hes given back to the community through route setting, sponsoring of equipment, etc. He really has a big heart.I dont know him really well, but from the outside, you can tell.

Sometimes, we always give ourselves excuses on not being about to train hard or climb hard. I used to say "I was studying, I dont have the time" or "coaching ends at 8pm, I'm too mentally drained to push myself". Yet here is someone who makes a point to go all out to do what he loves. If you see him train at Safra Yishun on weekends, its really go-and-go. We all get tired after a long day of work (or coaching, or shouting at students, or thinking of lesson plans), but its how you take to the training session to come, that makes you stronger, not physically, but mentally, building our character. Yes, I'm working too, maybe I have more free time than you do, but why make it an excuse. Its like studying for an exam: complete the revision early, more time to climb.

So heres a little post, to remind me to keep working hard, especially if I wanna improve. If you want it, go get it!

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